Welcome to “Hallway Conversations!" We are three friends who have been teaching for quite a while, but we still have lots of questions about education. This is our place for thinking out loud about topics we think are important for Christian educators to consider. We regularly have face-to-face hallway conversations, and this podcast is our way of inviting you in to our reflections on contemporary education. Our deep hope is that you would find these conversations an opportunity for your own reflection--that you would be challenged and encouraged in your work as an educator, and that you might even chuckle along as we think on our feet and stumble through trying to answer each others questions about what it means to take our faith seriously as we consider our work as educators. Feel free to drop us a line at hallwayconvospod@gmail.com

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Christmas 2021 Bonus - Lessons from COVID
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Like last week...we are taking a short break from recording new content in light of the busyness of the end of our semester. This week's bonus episode: the first episode where Matt and Dave invited Abby to join us in front of the microphone. Obviously, the quality of the discourse improved as soon as Abby was here, so we quickly encouraged her to join the team--and the podcast is better because she did! This episode includes some storytelling around the lessons we all learned from a year of emergency remote teaching due to COVID-19. We hope you'll enjoy this one again, and look forward to new episodes coming your way again soon.

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Christmas 2021 Bonus - Goals
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Many thanks to our dedicated listeners! You encourage us so much. We are at that crazy-busy time at the end of the semester, and we haven't had the time to get together to record new content. So this week...a little Hallway Conversations history: the first ever episode of the podcast re-released for your listening pleasure. (Or, you know...to see how far we've come.) This episode was all about goals, and maybe this is an appropriate time to start thinking again about the goals you are setting for your students in their learning? We hope you'll enjoy this one again, and look forward to new episodes coming your way again soon.

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Episode 043: The Danger of a Single Story
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
We have a lot of silliness in the intro to this episode, with Dave complaining about having a cold, an argument about whether real or fake Christmas trees are superior, and a surprise visit from our good friend and colleague, Ed. When we finally pull things together, Abby brings us a quote from a TED Talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie entitled “The Danger of a Single Story,” and prompts us to continue the discussion from our last episode about stories and the role of storytelling in both our pedagogy and curricula. Through the ensuing discussion, we think through what voices teachers elevate (or silence) through the stories we bring into our classrooms, and the messages we might inadvertently be conveying or reinforcing to our students. No easy answers here for us, but we have lots of questions, as usual.
- Here is the TED Talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie that Abby references in this episode: https://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_ngozi_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Episode 042: Teaching as Storytelling?
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
This week, Dave brought a passage from Kieran Egan’s book, Teaching as Storytelling and raised the question, “How do we invite students to see their learning as part of a storyline?” We talk about the way stories can grab not just students’ minds (intellect) but their hearts (emotions) as well. Matt brings up the idea of human beings as “story-formed people” and we discuss the way that stories can draw students into deeper learning. We also talk about helping our students find themselves inside the stories of the curriculum...and how the Big Story of Scripture (Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration) can be used to frame the curriculum for our students.
- Teaching as Storytelling: An Alternative Approach to Teaching and Curriculum in the Elementary School, by Kieran Egan - Amazon link

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Episode 041: Thanksgivings & Gratitude
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
This week, Abby raises the question, “What are you thankful for?” (She jokes that it’s the cliche question...but it *is* Thanksgiving week in the U.S., and we *do* have plenty to be thankful for.) The three of us share things about our work that bring us joyful gratitude in spite of the challenges that come with the work of teaching. Our deep hope for this episode is that it might give you some encouragement, and maybe a few laughs, and perhaps it will spark you to think about the things related to your work that give you a feeling of joyful gratitude.

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Episode 040: ”More than one thing is happening when we teach...”
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
This week, Dave brought a quote from David Smith’s book, On Christian Teaching and closed with the question, “What really matters when we are teaching?” We spend some time thinking through the wide range of things that happen simultaneously when we are teaching, and how we can focus on the things that really matter amidst all of the complexity in what happens in the classroom. As Matt says it, “How can we make sure that we are actually on about the things we say we are on about?”
We highly recommend you read David I. Smith's book On Christian Teaching: Practicing Faith in the Classroom - Amazon link

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Episode 039: Partnering with Parents
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
This week, Abby—fresh off of parent-teacher conferences for her own kids—prompted us to think about the question, “What are some ways that we, as schools and teachers, can partner well with parents in the education of their kids?” We think both broadly about what “partnership” means, and more specifically about some particular things educators can do to build bridges between home and school, including “good calls home,” three-way conferences between teachers, parents, and students, and school-wide celebrations of learning. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, or a school leader, we hope this episode is an encouragement to you in fostering partnerships!

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Episode 038: Online Learning...the Future of Education???
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
This week we have a question from a listener! Alex asked the question, “In the pandemic we suddenly saw schools scrambling to operate online. Many schools were not truly ready for this. When you look at the role of online in the realm of education, what do you see as its place in the fabric of what schools do?” We think through the things schools and teachers experienced in the early days of the pandemic with the scramble to teach online, and the difference between online learning that was designed for online and what Dave calls “emergency remote teaching.” We think through some of the challenges and benefits of online learning at different grade levels, and the potential of online learning as part of the future of education.

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Episode 037: On Empathy for Students (And Taylor Swift)
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
This week, we have a question from a listener! An anonymous listener asked the question, “If you could share one thing with a middle school student who is having a rough week…what would you tell them?” We think through ways to help encourage and support students, and we consider the importance of responding with empathy. Along the way we consider taking our students’ world seriously...and we learn that Abby is secretly a fan of Taylor Swift.
- We do recommend that you listen to Taylor Swift’s song, “Fifteen,” which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJqNJMyUGdU

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Episode 036: Getting to Know Students
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
This week, we have a question from a listener! One of our students, Lindsey, asked the question, “What are your favorite questions to ask or tools you use to get to know students?” We discuss the importance of building positive relationships, and why we believe that time taken for relationship building is never “wasted.” We then share some ideas for strategies we have found useful for connecting with students, getting to know them as individuals, and sharing things about ourselves in appropriate ways.