Welcome to “Hallway Conversations!" We are three friends who have been teaching for quite a while, but we still have lots of questions about education. This is our place for thinking out loud about topics we think are important for Christian educators to consider. We regularly have face-to-face hallway conversations, and this podcast is our way of inviting you in to our reflections on contemporary education. Our deep hope is that you would find these conversations an opportunity for your own reflection--that you would be challenged and encouraged in your work as an educator, and that you might even chuckle along as we think on our feet and stumble through trying to answer each others questions about what it means to take our faith seriously as we consider our work as educators. Feel free to drop us a line at hallwayconvospod@gmail.com

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Episode 035: A LIVE Recording of Hallway Conversations!
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
We recently had the opportunity to record an episode in front of a live audience! We were at the Heartland Christian Educators Convention held on the campus of Dordt University in early October. We started by sharing some stories in response to Matt’s question, “Why did you become an educator...and what keeps you in education?” After this, we tackled a variety of questions submitted from our audience. We answered questions about risk-taking in the classroom, how often schools should review their curriculum, how to make school coffee more palatable, the mixed value of final exams, and Dave’s (questionable) fashion choices. We hope you’ll both enjoy and be encouraged by this longer-than-normal episode!

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Episode 034: When it All Seems Like Too Much
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
This week, we have a question from some listeners--students of ours, who listen to the show!--who are wondering about what to do if they realize the negative environment of the school they are serving is affecting their mental and emotional well-being. We recognize that this actually describes what many educators are currently experiencing in their work today! We think out loud together about ways to approach this challenging situation, and think about what self care looks like for contemporary educators. As part of our conversation, Abby shared a piece by Jennifer Gonzalez, which you can read in its entirety here: https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/marigolds/

Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Episode 033: Protocols
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
This week, we discuss the idea of classroom protocols, which are ways of structuring learning activities to elevate reflection and get more students sharing their ideas as part of the learning process. We think through how we have encountered protocols for the first time, how we came to value them for getting students engaged and invested in the classroom, and the benefits we have seen from using them in our own teaching. Through the course of the episode, we share about a dozen ideas for various types of protocols that we have found to be successful in getting students actively engaged in learning through the way we structure learning activities using protocols.

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Episode 032: Our Areas of Expertise - Leadership
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
This week we conclude our mini-series in which we reflect upon and share about our areas of expertise. This week, we ask Matt to share about one of his areas of expertise and passion: school leadership. Matt shares his story of how he became a school leader, and some of the key lessons he learned along the way. Abby shares that her kids’ school is currently looking for a school leader, and asks Matt for advice on what they might look for in an effective school leader. As always, lots of laughter, as we try to take our work very seriously even when we don’t take ourselves too seriously.

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Episode 031: Our Areas of Expertise - Literacy
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
This week we continue our mini-series in which we reflect upon and share about our areas of expertise. This week, Abby shares from her well of wisdom about one of her several areas of expertise: Literacy. We focus especially on content-area literacy, and Abby helps us expand our understanding of what literacy looks like in content areas beyond language arts courses--and how it actually shows up in every discipline in some ways. She also shares some stories and tips for helping students effectively communicate their ideas, and encounter the ideas of others--the real key for literacy instruction!
- In this episode, Abby shared the book This Is Disciplinary Literacy: Reading, Writing, Thinking, and Doing...Content Area by Content Area. More information about the book here: https://www.amazon.com/This-Disciplinary-Literacy-Reading-Thinking/dp/1506306691

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Episode 030: Our Areas of Expertise - Educational Technology
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
This week we are beginning a mini-series in which we reflect on and share about our areas of expertise. This week, Dave shares his thoughts about his area of expertise: Educational Technology. We talk about how technology is changing the teaching and learning environment. Dave tells his story of how he got started in Educational Technology, the things he’s learned along the way, and some tips for educators on how to keep learning about new technologies.

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Episode 029: Remembering How to Teach
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Welcome to Season 3 of Hallway Conversations! We are excited to keep playing with ideas with you all, and we look forward to continuing to grapple with what teaching Christianly looks like as we begin this new academic year and new season of topics and questions. As we record this episode, we are at the end of our first week of the new academic year. To kick off this season, Dave asks the question, “What have you learned or remembered about teaching after week one?” We play around with some of the things we have remembered about how to teach. We hope you’re encouraged by listening in on our stories and wonderings about the joys and challenges of teaching!

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
A Beginning-of-the-Year Blessing
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
It's a busy time of preparation for the new academic year for all of us who serve in education, and because of this, we are taking a week off from recording a regular episode. But...we wanted to leave you, our dear listeners, with this word of encouragement and blessing as you begin again. This poetic prayer comes from Ted Loder's book, Guerrillas of Grace.
Grace and peace to you all, friends.

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Episode 028: First Day of School
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
This week, Matt asks the question, “How do we go about setting good rhythms for the first day of school?” We think through some of our favorite activities for the first day--ways to get students actively involved, setting the culture of the classroom, and engaging in real learning from day 1. Along the way, we discover that Abby loves scavenger hunts, that Matt has passion for knowing kids by name as a key part of building relationships, and that Dave knows all the countries of the world. (It’s a weird, free-flowing conversation, friends!) We hope that you’ll be encouraged and maybe even get a few ideas for how you’ll approach your first day of the new school year.

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Episode 027: Teaching for Service
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
In today’s episode, we have a question from a listener! Nate is wondering about how schools emphasize “service” and how we expect students to develop the skills and attitudes to engage in acts of service. Specifically, he asks, “How can schools cultivate a heart of service in students?” We share some of our own experiences as students being expected and required to participate in service projects. We think through the challenges of creating a culture where service is the norm, but we also share some ideas for ways to make service become more a way of life for students--a shift from “have to” towards “get to.”