Welcome to “Hallway Conversations!" We are three friends who have been teaching for quite a while, but we still have lots of questions about education. This is our place for thinking out loud about topics we think are important for Christian educators to consider. We regularly have face-to-face hallway conversations, and this podcast is our way of inviting you in to our reflections on contemporary education. Our deep hope is that you would find these conversations an opportunity for your own reflection--that you would be challenged and encouraged in your work as an educator, and that you might even chuckle along as we think on our feet and stumble through trying to answer each others questions about what it means to take our faith seriously as we consider our work as educators. Feel free to drop us a line at hallwayconvospod@gmail.com

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Today’s conversation was sparked by an assignment Abby gives in one of her courses–she has her students write a “reading biography” to reflect on their process of becoming a reader, how they feel about reading, and how their stories impact their reading habits even today. This has us thinking about our own reading biographies, and we shared some of our own stories, including Matt’s love of hockey cards, Abby’s secret hiding places (stay out of the dryer, kids!), and the time Dave got mugged on his way home from the public library. (So many reading adventures!) Along the way, we find some nuggets of wisdom for helping nudge students towards becoming more joyful readers. We hope this conversation might prompt some reflection for you about your own reading biography!

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Episode 083: ”Always Becoming” (and Pablo Escobar’s Hippos?)
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Welcome to Season 6! We are excited to dive into more conversations with you. We begin this episode with a little reflecting on the journey that has brought us to this point; we’re so grateful to you, dear listener, for joining us on the journey.
This episode is inspired by the fact that Dave has been working on writing a book(!!!) and we spend a little time celebrating that he has completed the manuscript, and is piloting it in his Introduction to Education class this spring. The title is Always Becoming, Never Arriving: Developing an Imagination for Teaching Christianly, and we use this as a springboard to start thinking about how a “teacher imagination” develops, and how it’s a process of continuing to “become” a teacher. Also, Abby brings up the escaped hippos of notorious drug-lord, Pablo Escobar, and how they are causing all kinds of problems in Colombia. (Of course Abby would bring this up!) We hope this episode is delightful, encouraging, and thought-provoking for you in developing your own teacher imagination.
- If you’re interested in Dave’s book (thanks for that!) you’ll have to wait for now–Dave is hoping to get it published, and we’ll keep you posted about when and where you can get a copy.

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Episode 082: Christmas (and Breaks!)
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
It's a shorty solo episode from Dave this week, as the three of us haven’t been able to get together long enough in the same room to record an episode in the past two weeks! In this episode, Dave shares an old post from his now-defunct blog about the importance of taking breaks. We hope it’s an encouragement to you to embrace the change of pace that comes with Christmas break. We’ll be back with new episodes in January!
- If you’re interested in reading Dave’s original post, you can find it here: https://iteach-and-ilearn.blogspot.com/2012/12/on-importance-of-taking-breaks.html

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Episode 081: An Advent Invitation
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Matt and Dave had a great time away in British Columbia recording our last episode with our friend Darren Spyksma, but it sure is good to be back with our normal trio–we definitely missed having Abby with us!
After a little good-natured joking around, we turn much more serious, thinking about the Advent season we are now in. All three of us love Advent! Matt brought along an Advent prayer that we used to open our conversation today. Dave recently shared an Advent story in his email newsletter, which became a big part of our conversation today. Dave shares some of that story here, and if you’re interested in reading more, you can read the full post–it is linked below. We hope this episode is a blessing for you, and encouragement to slow down as you move towards the manger this year.
- Dave’s newsletter post, which is entitled “Advent is the Antidote” can be read in full here: https://drdave.substack.com/p/advent-is-the-antidote
- If you’re interested in subscribing to Dave’s newsletter, you can do that here: https://drdave.substack.com/ It is all about encouraging teachers to embrace positivity, rekindle their passion, and strive towards living out their purpose. It also includes a healthy dose of Dave’s playful approach towards his teaching practice. He would love it if you’d follow along.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Episode 080: A LIVE Episode from InspirED!
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Matt and Dave recently had the opportunity to travel to British Columbia for the InspirED Christian Educators’ Conference, and while we definitely missed Abby, we loved having the opportunity to record a live episode while we were there. Regular listeners will notice a dip in audio quality–hazards of recording a live episode in a large room! (Thanks for listening anyway; we think there will be a good bit of wondering and curiosity for anyone who listens in.)
Because we’re used to being a trio now, we asked our good friend, Darren Spyksma to join in the fun. Darren serves at the Society of Christian Schools British Columbia. Darren has a wonderful rhythm of tweeting out an “Ed-thought of the day”: something that will challenge and/or encourage reflection on the part of Christian educators. We tackled a couple of his prompts live to try our normal thinking-out-loud of our hallway conversations. We also took questions from the audience as prompts for our conversation. In this episode our conversation ranges from the difference between compliance and learning, the beauty of a well-placed semicolon, the faith-formation aspects embedded in the curriculum, how to manage the burden of the ALWAYS MORE nature of teaching, and what to do with “Indiana Jones” teachers. Something here for everyone! We hope you’ll enjoy this longer-than-normal episode with all the silliness and joy.
- You can follow our friend Darren Spyksma on Twitter: @dspyksma
- In this episode, Darren mentions the book The Sabbath by Abraham Heschel as a motivator for his own Sabbath practices, and he recommended this one to us. You can learn more about it here: https://www.amazon.com/Sabbath-Classics-Abraham-Joshua-Heschel/dp/0374529752

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Episode 079: Why Do Kids (Dis)Like School?
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Matt kicks off our conversation this week by sharing about a book he is currently reading entitled Why Kids Love (and Hate) School. Reading this has prompted him to wonder about whether more kids love school or hate school–and it got us thinking about our own experiences as students and how that has shaped the way we all feel about school, even as teachers. We share our own stories from school, and think about what it is that we liked (and disliked) about school, and think through ideas of what schools can do to make them perhaps more hospitable spaces for all of our students. We would love to hear from you, dear listeners, about what kinds of things you are doing at your schools that are making a practical difference in helping kids to love school.
- The book Matt mentioned, Why Kids Love (and Hate) School: Reflections on Practice is available here: https://www.amazon.com/Kids-School-Academy-Educational-Studies/dp/1975500997

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Bonus: More Thoughts on Teaching Bible with Gayle Doornbos
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
This week: a short bonus episode with more wisdom about teaching the Bible from our friend and colleague, Dr. Gayle Doornbos. After we “finished” recording our last episode, Dave left the mics on and kept recording. Gayle had more wise things to share about faith formation as part of a Bible class. We hope you’ll be encouraged, challenged, and blessed by what she has to say here!
- A peek behind the scenes: this is almost always how we end our recording sessions--with Dave just leaving the mics on. Once in a while, we have a great moment that gets edited into the episode…but most of the time it’s ridiculous drivel. Maybe sometime we’ll have a whole bonus episode of our hijinks? (Probably not!)

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Episode 078: Advice for Teaching the Bible - with Gayle Doornbos
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
This week, Abby was not able to join us for recording, and while we definitely missed her, we were grateful to have a good friend from the Theology Department join us, Dr. Gayle Doornbos, Associate Professor of Theology at Dordt University. Gayle teaches a course entitled “Teaching the Bible,” and knowing this, we invited her to join us for a conversation about teaching the Bible as an academic subject. As Matt and Dave both have had their own (mis)adventures in teaching Bible classes, we thought Gayle’s insight and experience would be worth sharing with our listeners, as we have learned a lot from her! Our conversation today covers a lot of ground–we discuss many parts of the joys and challenges of teaching Bible, from helping students develop a theological imagination, to the understanding the difference between knowing the facts of Bible stories with knowing the Big Story of Scripture, to the question of what should be included in the curriculum of biblical studies, to moralism in teaching the Bible, to whether “anyone can teach Bible” vs. whether we should have specially-trained Bible teachers in Christian schools. Gayle encourages us to think about studying the Bible as not just an academic exercise, but also as a formative experience for shaping students’ faith life–even though that is challenge! We hope that Gayle’s wise words will be an encouragement to anyone called to teach Bible in a Christian school setting.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Episode 077: Are the Kids All Right? Deep Hopes for Parent Teacher Conferences
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Our question today came from our friend and colleague down the hall, Sheila. She shared with us that she had been listening to another podcast and it prompted a wondering from her: “The parents on the podcast said that it [the parent-teacher conference] was very academic and reporting of scores but they just wanted to know who their child was at school beyond the surface level–they talked about wanting to know the stories behind thee growth or the stories of growth in friendship or other skills. What’s the deep hope for parent-teacher conferences?” This prompted a lot of reflection for us on our experiences both as parents and as teachers about the role of parent-teacher conferences–the good, the bad, and the ugly. We hope this episode is an encouragement for parents and teachers alike!

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Episode 076: Adventures in Reimagining Assessment
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Thank you, loyal listeners, for joining us each week! You may have noticed that there was no episode in the queue last week. Never fear; we have no intention of giving up on the podcast! But with some changes to responsibilities for two of us this year, we are having a harder and harder time getting all three of us into the studio together to record a weekly episode. So we are planning to shift to an every-other-week schedule for the foreseeable future. We hope you’ll continue to join us for each new episode when they drop. We love recording and sharing our conversations with you all, and if our schedules ever line up better again, perhaps we’ll go back to every week–who knows? :-)
This week’s episode came from a swirl of several convergent streams–a quote from a book about assessment that Abby read, a question from a listener (thanks, Jess!) about assessment practices prompted by something she read on the CACE blog, and challenges we have faced in our own practices regarding assessment. With this kind of confluence, we felt a tug to think together around the topic of assessment, and share some of our experiences and adventures in reimagining what assessment is, and what it is for, and how we try to assess our students’ learning. It’s a ranging, rambling conversation, but we hope you’ll be encouraged and inspired to think through your own assessment practices by listening in.
- Here is the article from the CACE blog mentioned by our listener, Jess. We highly recommend you read it! Its title raises the key question it seeks to answer: “What If Assessment Was a Gift?” You can read it here: https://cace.org/what-if-assessment-was-a-gift/
- In this episode, we also discuss an article by Elaine Brouwer entitled “Assessment For Learning: A Blessing for Our Students,” which is available in this issue of Christian Educators Journal: https://www.cejonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/47-2.pdf
- In the episode, Abby mentions an idea for engaging students in reflection even right before taking a test as a way of building community and reducing anxiety. The idea was in a video by math educator Howie Hua. You can view that video on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/howie_hua/status/1570194591227473921